Image by Tawny van Breda from Pixabay

What Your Baby Feels From Conception

and how to heal your own emotional trauma

Angie Taylor, Fairy GodMentor
4 min readMar 24, 2020


This is an area that doesn’t seem to get covered in anything you do. Every emotion experienced by mom is experienced by the baby. The primary emotion experienced by mom during pregnancy will be the primary emotion carried by the child for life unless mom and/or child learns how to release and resolve emotionally charged events at some point in their lives.

Your baby is a thinking, feeling and expressing human being long before birth brings him into your hands. Your baby is born understanding every word you say because your baby has been immersed in your language from conception. Your baby needs to know when everything is okay. Your baby needs to know that he is wanted and loved. Your baby needs to know that mom is loved by her sweetheart and that mom loves her sweetheart. Your baby needs to know that dad is present and looking forward to holding him.

Talk to your baby. Explain what’s happening and why you’re feeling what you’re feeling. Interact with your baby now and begin to build your relationship and set boundaries. This doesn’t have to wait until after the baby is born. Learn who your baby is now and teach your baby who you are….now.

If you’ve hired someone to attend your birth, require your care provider to treat your baby as a human being now. Before touching you or doing anything, such as taking your blood pressure, require your care provider to tell your baby what they are doing and what you might feel as it is done. This allows your baby to learn that what you are feeling, he is feeling and that you are okay.

Massaging birthing mama’s belly while talking to her baby

Learn about how you came into the world — both mom and dad — because every cell of your body remembers it. Your body holds onto unresolved events that you can resolve and release during the pregnancy. Because your baby is 50% of both parent’s cells, you will be passing on to your child what’s held within your cells; the good, bad and the ugly. As you release the emotional garbage during the pregnancy, these things will be released from your baby’s cells as well.

Emotional Healing

All of your life patterns were created by the emotional experiences from when you were conceived all the way to present time and are compounded by the emotional garbage passed onto you through the cells shared from your parents. When you set a goal or start to change a bad habit, there is an inner voice that makes a negative claim, like “you’re not good enough.” In most cases, this inner voice will be strong enough to create doubt that leads you to stop working on making the desired changes.

This inner voice is your subconscious mind working to protect you. This inner voice has been created by you, based on the experiences you’ve had thus far. This inner voice is working to protect you from things that can no longer hurt you because you’ve already survived them. Your inner voice needs an update and it’s simpler than you might currently believe.

When something bad happens and you aren’t able to find closure or resolution in the moment, your brain is not able to properly file the situation away. This is what has happened with any memories that you find yourself thinking about over and over and over again. Closure or resolution did not happen so you’ll continue to think about the situation over and over and over again trying to figure out how you could have handled it better.

Image by Snap_it from Pixabay

This continual processing does not help you resolve the memory. As a matter of fact, continually processing the past event makes the neural pathway holding the information stronger.

In an effort to create more positivity in your life, you’ve been taught that when something bad happens you should do one of the following:

  • Fight the negative thoughts
  • Ignore the negative thoughts and feelings and think about something else
  • Replace the negative thoughts and feelings with positive affirmations that you’ll say for days, weeks, months and longer

Trying to pretend the event never happened or — worse — trying to forget that it ever happened has been linked to illness. (To learn more, read Feelings Buried Alive Never Die written by Karol K. Truman)

What if you choose to do something different?

What if you choose to change your response pattern?

Sound too simple? What if a better life really is just a matter of choosing something else?

Simple does not necessarily translate to easy. Anyone who’s successfully pushed your buttons and you’ve responded poorly will still push your buttons. They might even escalate what they’ve done in the past. Your job? Walk away, erupt into song, recite a poem…do whatever you need to do to not do what you’ve done in the past. Choose something different.

Deeper trauma may take more to clear away. Deeper trauma may require someone to talk to. Deeper trauma will require more forgiveness than you may have ever been able to give before. Deeper trauma can be healed. Here’s a video where I use aromatherapy with a client:

Send me an email if you’d like to know more about using aromatherapy to release emotional trauma.

(If you enjoyed this article, purchase my book — Embracing Birth: wholistic childbirth education (a home study course) — from Amazon)



Angie Taylor, Fairy GodMentor

Seeking (1) an unhindered, undisturbed, physiologic birth, (2) to heal emotional birth trauma, and/or (3) create life balance?